Tuesday, September 18, 2007


I've been writing this blog for almost six months now, and was curious to hear about what interests readers and what doesn't. So I sent a message to my address book that has friends, family, colleagues, and acquaintances to query their thoughts and opinions. What I received back was very insightful and in some cases, very funny. I thought you might enjoy seeing some of the feedback:
  • Heard right away from a family member who questioned my focus on pets rather than the war in Iraq. Life is a banquet, and I think it's possible to have a range of interests. Pets are definitely more fun though.
  • A great comment came from a friend who likes the "how-to" articles. She's very internet savvy, so feels she will find the videos and pictures on her own. I like the "how-to's" as well, so will be looking to post more of them in the future.
  • One friend forwarded my message to her daughter attending college, who then did a mini-focus group with her roommate. It was great to hear back from her that they both love the pictures and the combination of interest stories and informational posts. She's not so big on the shopping pieces, which is bad news for all the pet retailers looking at her generation to boost pet spending beyond the already stratospheric $41 Billion that's forecasted this year in the United States.
  • A former colleague wrote to say one of his favorite stories was "The Journey" which I especially appreciated because when I posted it, I wondered it it would be too "gushy" for my male readers. I'm glad it's not!
  • The absolutely funniest feedback came back from a former co-worker and friend. Here's a sample of his quotes:
  • I read today's (September 14th) blog. I loved the part about the bear who eats pizza, showers, and sleeps in beds (as long as it's someone else's :-)
  • The one about the bacteria in dog's mouths - just gross, yuk, oooh :-)
You can probably tell by the last quote that he's not a pet person. I wrote back that any dog person will tell you there's nothing quite like that surprise tongue kissing that happens every now and then.

Today's cute picture comes from Wes Boling's blog.

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